U: Marion Heights, LLC

U ) Property sale/ Marion Heights, LLC. from Edward Leon Billingsley and Mary Janis Billingsley  Documents

( given $ 213,802.00 discount by failure to assess )

  1. In June of 2012, Marion Heights, LLC. purchased approximately one acre of land from Edward Leon and Mary Janis Billingsley. This property was comprised of four lots on two tax parcels located on Stanford Street just south of Morgan Avenue in Marion, Illinois.

  2. P-TAX records confirm that the total purchase price was $ 225,000.00 as shown by the two deeds in this transaction. ( see documents referred to as Exhibit U )

  3. The Williamson County Tax Assessor immediately changed both the owner’s name and the mailing address on both of the tax parcels for the tax year of 2011/2012, but did not reassess this property to reflect the actual purchase price.

  4. The combined total assessed fair cash value for this property was only $ 11,298.00 for the 2012/2013 tax year.

  5. In an inexcusable departure from the normal and expected assessment requirements the Williamson County Tax Assessor did not reassess this property for the following tax year of 2013/2014 according to the published assessments changes for Williamson County.

  1. The rough estimate of tax monies the county taxpayers have been defrauded of on this transaction alone is approximately $ 5,000.00.

View Exhibit U Documents )

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