V ) Property sale / Marion Heights LLC. from Susan Kay Emery Documents
( given a $ 263,253.00 discount by failure to assess )
In August of 2012, Marion Heights, LLC. purchased approximately 1.5 acres of land from Susan Kay Emery. This property is located on the south side of Morgan Avenue near the northbound Interstate 57 off ramp currently under construction in Marion, Illinois.
P-TAX records confirm that the purchase price for these parcels was $ 285,000.00. ( see documents referred to as Exhibit V )
The Williamson County Tax Assessor changed both the owner’s name and mailing address to that of Marion Heights, LLC. for the following 2012/2013 tax year for all of these tax parcels.
In an inexcusable departure from the normal and expected assessment requirements, the Williamson County Tax Assessor did not reassess these tax parcels to reflect the actual purchase price for the 2013/2014 tax year, according to courthouse files and the published assessment changes for Williamson County.
Interestingly, all of these parcels were in the City of Marion’s First TIF District until 2011 when the Marion Heights II TIF district was amended, and 3 of these tax parcels were removed from the much older, but still active, First TIF District, and inducted into the newer Marion Heights II TIF District. The fourth tax parcel in this transaction was split between the TIF districts, creating two new tax parcels. The Marion Heights II TIF District is named after, and was created for, the same developer who purchased this 1.5 acres.
The rough estimate of the tax monies the county taxpayers have been defrauded of on this transaction alone is $ 6,200.00.
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