R ) Property sale / The Salvation Army from Zeller Properties, Inc.
( given a 30 % discount after a sale ) Documents
In February of 2005, The Salvation Army, an Illinois corporation, purchased five vacant land parcels from Zeller Properties, Inc. This prime commercial property is located on Illinois Route 37 ( Court Street ) between Illinois New Route 13 and Main Street in Marion Illinois. The older building housing the Sullivan Electric business was razed in 2004.
P-TAX records confirm that the total purchase price for these five parcels was $ 308,000.00. ( see documents referred to as Exhibit R )
The Williamson County Tax Assessor did not reassess these five parcels to reflect the true and actual sale price, aka fair cash value, for the following tax year as is the normal and expected assessment requirement.
In fact, the Williamson County Tax Assessor never did reassess these parcels up to and including the year the properties sold again in 2011. ( see “ Z” of this index for further failure to assess this same property after subsequent sales )
The total combined fair cash value assessments of these parcels was only $ 210,558.00 for the 2005/2006 tax year.
By the 2010/2011 tax year the total combined fair cash value had crept up to only $ 235,380.00, still $ 72,620.00 under the actual purchase price.
The rough estimate of tax monies the county taxpayers have been defrauded of on this transaction alone is approximately $ 16,000.00.
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