M ) Property sale / Christopher K. and Dianne M. Klein from Wayland Sims.
( given a $ 100,000.00 immediate discount after sale ) Documents
In September of 2011, Christopher K. and Dianne M. Klein purchased a half acre parcel of vacant land from Wayland Sims. This prime commercial property is located near the intersection of East Outer Drive and Williamson County Parkway just north of Illinois New Route 13 and just west of Interstate 57 in Marion, Illinois.
P-TAX records confirm that the purchase price was $ 300,000.00. ( see documents referred to as Exhibit M )
In an inexcusable departure from the normal and expected assessment requirements, the Williamson County Tax Assessor did not assess this newly created land parcel to reflect the actual purchase price of $ 300,000.00.
The Williamson County Tax Assessor gave an immediate 33% discount and assessed this prime commercial real estate at only $ 200,000.00 fair cash value for the land only portion on the 2012/2013 year tax bill.
The rough estimate of monies the county taxpayers have been defrauded of in two years on this transaction alone is approximately $ 4,700.00.
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