N ) Property sale / Douglas E Hines from Mildred King as guardian of the estate of Velsie McInturff, a disabled person. Documents
( property never assessed, at all, after a sale )
In October of 2009, Attorney Douglas E. Hines purchased six lots ( approximately one acre combined total ) from Mildred King, 82 years of age, who was the guardian of the estate of Velsie McInturff, 98 years of age, who had been placed in a nursing home.**This property is located in a TIF district just south of Morgan Avenue in Marion Illinois on the east side of Interstate 57. These parcels are in the same neighborhood as the nine acre parcel Douglas E Hines owned and had valued at $225,000.00 per acre.
P-TAX records confirm that the total purchase price for the two land parcels, comprised of six lots, was $ 26,500.00. ( see documents referred to as Exhibit N )
The Williamson County Tax Assessor immediately changed the owner’s name and mailing address to that of Douglas E. Hines for the 2009/2010 tax year, but did not reassesss these parcels to reflect the actual purchase price, then, or since. ( area TIF reconfiguration plans were in progress )
In fact, the total fair cash value of these two parcels has been reduced from the total fair cash value of$ 13,203.00 for the 2009/2010 tax year, to a total fair cash value of only $ 11,970.00 for the 2012/2013 tax year.
The rough estimate of the tax monies the county taxpayers have been defrauded of in this transaction is approximately $ 1,300.00.
** Both of these elderly women passed away in 2011.
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